Monday, May 26, 2008

Summer 4SQS Sneak Peek

Nothing says summer to me more than white sands and turquoise waves. I hope my partner likes the beach too. Amidst sending out all of the summer swap partners, I started on my piece this week. It is a simple beach scene with sand, sea, sky, and a few other key elements. I am currently contemplating adding a sailboat and an adirondak chair (ie, like the beaches of Long Island have). Time to do a web search.

Here's just a teensy-little looksee...

I have decided to use this swap as a time to try raw (fused) edge applique. My summer quilt uses that technique. And it is amazing the amount of detail that can be added.


  1. That's going to be a cheerful scene Margaret! This is what I picture when I hear the words airondack chairs:

    I love that little bit of fencing!

  2. oh that looks lovely, can't wait to see it in whole!

  3. Oh, oh, oh! I love it! So much fun. Love your creativity.

  4. Love what I see so far!

  5. I am really loving your beach scene. I can't wait to see the final quilt!

  6. Anonymous9:00 PM

    I love your applique. The fence and the small part of the ocean that I can see are gorgeous. Cant wait to see it finished!

  7. This is going to be amazing I am a beach person and I love what you are creating. Can't wait to see the end result. You get **** in my book.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.
