Friday, June 27, 2008

I Spy Ugly & giveaway

I have finally finished this quilt. It's another of my 2008 Project Linus deliveries. Though I did start it with grand intentions of it looking like the one Lisa Boyer did, which is lovely, it turned out clearly being more of an I Spy Ugly quilt. I mostly hand tied the quilt, with five rows of hand quilting for added reinforcement. It has the most robust and thickest poly batting I have ever seen (and hope to never see again I might add) so I think it will take a hurricane to make it come apart. I hand sewed the binding last night as I was dreaming of my next 2 Linus quilts to be made with some of my very cute novelties. These will be fun!

Here's a close-up of some of the ugliness...
The quilt has everything from hearts to flowers to bicycles to jellyfish to gingham and batik to pine cones and polka dot. guessed it, solids, stripes, metallics and butterflies. And that just all I chose to photograph. I think a young kid will get a kick out of the wild variety and the colors. That's my hope anyways!
A couple of months ago, my aunt brought my mom and I about 75 lb of quilt books. That Dorky Homemade Look by Lisa Boyer was amongst them. If you are interested in owning this book, leave me a comment. My only request is that you send me a fat-eighth (approximately 14" x 14" or 10"x 18") of yellow batik in return...I need this for another project :-)


  1. I'll play - I even have the yellow batik in my stash!

  2. I'd love to have that book - I read her blog! Sign me up for the contest and I'll send you a fabulous yellow batik :)

  3. I'd love to win that book too and have a yellow batik in my stash. :-)

  4. I love Lisa .... so add me to the mix.

  5. Put my name in the hat too, I'd love thta book and I have lots of yellow batik to spare.

    Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Just thought I'd drop you a not to say I enjoyed visiting your blog this morning...You have some wonderful works there!
    Happy Stitching!

  8. I would love to have the book also. You will have to remind me if I win to send the yellow batik! I have enjoyed visiting with you.

  9. Sign me up! I would love to play! Love your quilt!
