Friday, June 20, 2008

MY Summer & Catching Up

I have completed my summer quilt. I couldn't be happier. I just love the way it depicts MY Summer. This is what Summer in Maine is all about (minus the black flies and humidity). Oh, and the white beaches too. Our sand is much courser and darker at most beaches. Anyhow, the feeling is here.
Most beaches will have a lighthouse within sight. Our coast line is unforgiving to the boats. It is beautiful and rocky in most places. The light houses save many a lost boat, as going into the main surf is an almost certain death as cold as the water is much of the year.
Half-standing plank fenses litter the beaches. They are truly picturesque additions to what Mother Nature gave us. Lobstering is one of our largest industries, especially in the summer. The fense would be incomplete without some of these. Each lobsterman (or woman) has a registered stripe pattern so that they know whose traps are whose in the ocean.
Here is how I cured my previous problem with the background fabric showing through the white of the chair. I think it works well.
All in all, I am tickled with this summer quilt. It turned into way more than I had anticipated. When I started, I was trying to depict another place (which I cannot say, or my partner will possibly know this is for her). But in the end, it turned out looking like MY home. Consequently, I have dedided that this will stay in MY home. Sigh... So I am back to the drawing board, so to speak. I have decided to make my 4SQS partner a similar quilt with "scenes" from the beach rather than an entire beach landscape. My four scene panels are complete and look good. I will post about this at another time though.
This wild little number arrived this week from Kate. It's her ALQS mini for ME! Wild it is, but I have a secretly kept wild side (hence the Frog in the Blender, which was mailed over an ocean this week). It looks a bit juxtiposed hanging in my very traditional dining room, on this hideously country (he he, country is NOT my thing) hanger I have previously had another quilt on. But my dining room and other downstairs rooms have deep purple and cranberry in the window coverings, furniture and paint, so it does blend in nicely.

The back fabric is radically cool, I must say. This has a metallic printing and is actually one piece of fabric. Many thanks Kate. I do like it. It took a few days to post this as my batteries died and the price of gas here has kept me home until I needed other items.

Next, I mailed this off to my Forum Doll Quilt Partner, organized by Ginger, on Tuesday. It's done with 1930's style happy prints and polka dota. It ought to be received in the mail today, so I will post it this morning.
I hope my partner appreciates it, as I will be seing what she makes in Kate's Forum birthday block swap soon too.
Here's a shot of the back. It's like a flower.


  1. Your summer quilt is breathtaking... I can see why you are keeping it!

    And your doll quilt for the forum swap turned out great. I know ***** will love it!

  2. I love your summer quilt! Now you can have summer all year long (you are keeping this one, aren't you?). Just lovely!!

  3. Wow the quilts are beautiful. I love the beach scene and am counting the days till our annual trip to one of our favorite spots in Maine. I can almost hear the ocean while looking at your quilt. The mini quilt you recieved is great what a nice treat.

  4. Unbelievable, Margaret! That summer quilt is AMAZING! No wonder you'll be keeping that one -- I would imagine it would be next to impossible to part with that one.

  5. Wow Margaret! The summer quilt is absolutely gorgeous beyond words. It's great that you're keeping it. :-)

  6. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Your summer quilt is amazing, I can't figure out how you did the clouds (they look like a solid piece of materialbut but have that white/blue whispy appearance) So much detail and quilting, it's gorgeous!! Love the little 30's doll quilt too!

  7. Many thanks you all...
    the clouds are actually a novelty sky fabric (cries from the "real" quilting community!...). It actually works in this application though, I think.

  8. I like the summer quilt as well - fabulous!

    The backing fabric (and indeed, most of the fabrics in the mini quilt) is Lonni Rossi - one of my favourites. The backing is from a series of oriental panels she did in different colourways. I have several - I'm a big fan. But the panels aren't easy to use, I've found.

  9. Your summer quilt is really a masterpiece. Makes me long for Maine!!
