Monday, August 25, 2008

Legacy Quilt #2 Finished

This is the second of my three Legacy quilts. The first one is shown here.
The colors are still not true, despite these being taken outdoors under natural cloud-light. You get the idea though...a modern twist on the Amish style quilt. The green and purple materials were also in the first Legacy quilt. The idea is that there are some common fabrics between the three quilts, even though the designs are vastly different. This depicts the characteristics of my three children, who are the end recipients of these three quilts...same genes, different personality.

And, is this not just the cutest little girl???!
She's my baby and is turning two tomorrow. Oh, how the time flies. She's the sweetest little girl. And she's pretty adorable in that dress which I wore 40 years ago.

With my oldest starting back to school in 2 days, it's been a hectic week/weekend. Not too much sewing time. Plus, I have been unfocused and unmotivated. I did get two of my Forum birthday swap blocks done this weekend. I think that they are either October or November blocks. Now I can think more about getting my Summer quilt borders done and a couple Linus blankets prepared for a Blanket Day at the end of September.


  1. Your daughter is just adorable, just a wee bit older than one of my girls.

    I love the quilt. I have been tossing around the idea of doing an Amish quilt one of these days...

  2. Anonymous3:01 PM

    She is a cutie, they are so sweet at this age! Your hand quilting is wonderful! This quilt is so different from your first legacy quilt. You said each quilt refects their individual personality-love to know who is getting which one and what they represent.

  3. Your quilt is beautiful! Wht a great thing to do for your children.

  4. Beautiful quilt!

    Your little one is precious! I love her shoes!

  5. Found your blog through a link on Vicki W's site....You are right. Beautiful daughter, beautiful quilt!
