Wednesday, August 06, 2008

One nearly Done, One to Go

Last border is on and it is not yet 8am. There's progress! I need to toss it onto the bed and check it for size before I trim off the excess border and call it good as done (& ready for long armer). I can now say that I do love the way this one turned out, despite some doubts I had along the way, and I know that the recipient will too. Many thanks to Amy, Solidia and Julie who contributed scraps for this project also!! All of your variety of fabrics made it work. Thanks too for all the wonderful comments about this. They may go unmentioned most days, but they mean a lot to read.

Now to get ready for the MIL's visit and plan what needs to be done for the 2nd quilty project I will conquer at naptime today.


  1. Its really pretty!

  2. My goodness - you have been a busy Supermom! This quilt is looking fabulous!
