Monday, September 29, 2008

A surprising spell of good productive sewing

This afternoon was nearly amazing. I camped out in my sewing room, as usual, so I didn't have to hear my 4 year old NOT nap (more like listening to a freaking construction zone, honestly). I have SO many projects in varying stages of completion, and deadlines fast approaching. I thought I was only going to work on Sophie's dress for a short while, but I kept doing things right, so I kept on moving! Yea :-)

I finished the smocking and beading last night. I admit, this is my first experience smocking a printed material that is not a check or plaid. I was not expecting the "pink blob", but don't really see how these are avoided unless very small prints are used. I have given up being concerned about it, honestly. The shirring threads are still in the bodice in this picture.
After about an hour, I successfully added the self piping, the top of the bodice above the smocking, AND got it assembled with the back (which I had assembled and installed the zipper a couple days ago). Shock of all shocks for me to get this far that fast. Tonight I will pull gather threads & pin the rose colored (actually a medium rose Moda Marble) ruffle that goes on the under-lining. After that point, the dress and lining will be ready for joining, and sleeves and collar will be all that remains.
I used my new narrow hem foot that arrived last week to hem the ruffle and this wide bow. It is a little awkward to get started with, but makes a very nice tiny hem, and FAST.
Stay tuned later this week for (knock on wood) more finished dress pictures.

On Saturday I went to a Project Linus Make a Blanket Event. I was able to get two quilts nearly completed. One of the tops was already sewn prior to Saturday. Thanks to my mother, I only had to sew one of the bindings too! I got top assembled too that is made of some of my better-sized bday swap blocks. It got lots of OOhhs and AAhhss at the event. Too bad I had to tell them I did not actually make them! They were impressed royally though with my Polar bear quilt that is for their Book-Blanket challenge. It was hard to give that one away, but I know it will be loved. The red & yellow bday block quilt was basted and I had begun the quilting on machine on Saturday. Yesterday I was able to finish the machine quilting. Sadly I chose to use some batting that I really thought looked thin enough (it was a freebee on Saturday) - I had intended to FMQ that quilt. Turns out though i had to straight line (or sort of!) ditch stitch the quilt. Because these blocks were done by 15 different people, pressing was different, there were issues with some not alligning exactly, a nutshell, straight line ditch sewing was not really all that straight. It looks fairly well, but I had hoped for a nicer end look. It has binding on now, awaiting my hand finishing. This makes #17 for me to turn in on October 12.
Here's one that was finished - Laurel Burch snakes and other bold colors. The next one is cuter than the picture. The elephant fabric is adorable with the black and white prints I also used. Both of these are only tied because I chose to use red fleece as the backing.
Now...I have a wedding gift to make before Nov 1. I just got my King Tut Superior threads order. Hard to believe three spools of this stuff ought to run nearly $30...hope I really love it! I have varaigated ones for the wedding quilt, which will only be about 20" square and for the one I will be assembling from my November bday blocks from Kate's, purple and orange New York Beauty blocks. Those, I can hardly wait for!!


  1. I think the dress looks very sweet - the pink blob doesn't really stand out when you view the dress from a distance - probably because the ballerinas all look like pink blobs from a distance.

    Congrats on getting so much done!

  2. Margaret that's going to be such a sweet little dress. I love the ballerina fabric!
