Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A Royal Day

I got the Royal treatment today! I mean...I got the Royal Mail treatment today. Two great squishies arrived, both postmarked from the UK.

The first is another of the birthday block swap New York Beauties from Kate. Very colorful!... and thanks for the scraps for the flying geese border too :-)
The second package was from Anne, and is my ALQS2 quilt. It did not photograph as it is all pastels, but she is a very machanical quilter - immensely accurate. The fact that she never misses a triangle point strikes accord with my sense of order! There's no use in making a triangle if you are just going to chop off it's point with your next seam!
I think she may have made this with the thought that I might put it in my 2 year old daughter's bedroom, as it is decorated partly in pink. Either way, it will likely go there since the rest of our house is mostly in deeper colors. It just looks like a little girl to me.
Anne's quilting is textbook. Her hearts look like they were done by a programmable long arm, although I don't think that they were. I think she just knows how to make it all look perfect.
It's very lovely; thanks a lot Anne.
Here's Dress block #9 for Sophie's quilt (yes, only 6 more to bore you all with!!). I particularly love how the sash turned out.
I have also tried making a couple of these paper pieced bows. They are a bit of a pain in the arse, but thankfully there are only 8 more to do!! The next shot shows the sashing fabric I have leftover from the curtains (golden-pink floral). I really love this material, and the flecks of bright green in it. Thoughts...should the paler pink fabric in the bows be a deeper tone??

And one staged view of 4 blocks with the sashing. I don't want to sew sashing to blocks until I know exact block placements. Soon...

1 comment:

  1. Glad it arrived safely - and so quickly - and that you like it. I've actually never been within ten feet of a long arm machine - the hearts were all done freehand on my trusty Bernina 1090. I usually use a freezer paper shape to stitch round for the original heart shape and then freehand the feather loops - works for me :o)
