Sunday, January 04, 2009

Two for Project Linus

In keeping with my new year's resolution, I have completed these two Linus tops. In reality, I wanted to do a Christmas table runner, and did not want the guilt of having not completed other things. I know, a day (week) late and a dollar short for a Christmas quilt. But then...I saw a runner I loved, and wanted to make it before I forgot (or before next year!).
The quilts are meandered and free quilted. I finished the binding on the second just last night. Both are about 40"x50". Backing materials (though maybe not my absolute most favorite) came from donated one yard pieces I got at a Linus event last fall. I have a box with at least 30 yards of 1-yd sections, several in some patterns too which is perfect for backings. I used two yards for backing and binding.
This morning, I washed them both. Though I am not a huge fan of that washed & crinkled look of a quilt, I did it anyhow in hopes of it masking a few little quilting bloopers. As expected, I couldn't even find them!
I love this one...all made from about 50 floral materials and backed/bound in a pretty pink and purple hydrangae fabric. Hopefully, some little girl will love it too.

1 comment:

  1. Those look great! I'm with you, I'm not a huge fan of crinkled either, but I think almost every quilter is. But they all need to be washed eventually...
