Saturday, January 31, 2009

The winter that won't quit

OK, I am officially SICK of winter. And we have another 2 months of this stuff, easily. I spent too many years living in the south to be able to fully appreciate feet of snow each week. Here's a few pictures from January...
Our picnic table after 18" of snow earlier in January. Pretty, yes, but it is getting a bit debilitating. Plus, I think that this was the storm that our snowblower was in for servicing!
Over the last week we had this killer icicle growing on the corner of our house. I streached from the 2nd story roof down nearly to the 1st story window - around 10 feet long. I didn't bother it, but instructed my kids to stay away. Yesterday, my hubby decided he'd knock it down. The chunk he is holding is about 35lb, and is at least a foot across. Monster icicle! I wish I had a cell phone camera, because I have passed other great icicle houses this week. One had roof to ground icicles (8') all across the front of the house!
Here's our little lost robin. He/She is SOOOO confused. This picture was taken in the middle of this week's 10" snow storm. Little bird is sitting in our crab apple tree - probably it's only source of winter food.
So, I thought I'd give robin a little food the next day. My mother-in-law gave us a fruitcake/bread that even the kids would not eat so I thought, naturally, of the birds. The poor robin didn't get any because as soon as I tossed the bread into the yard, the darn seagulls decended! And I am at least 12 miles from the coast!
And the worst of it is that I discovered water on my ceiling and wall last night - a roof ice dam that is leaking snow melt into the house. It just ticks me off to no end - means that now a part of my bedroom ceiling needs repair and painting, and the paint was a custom mix (aka by me) and has a very nice simple stencil near the roof. Very frustrating, considering our roof is highly pitched too.
Enough on winter... We have over 2' of snow on the ground and there's probably no chance that Mr. Puxatawny is going to see his shadow on Monday. It'll be April or May for us - I have been sewing and will show my birthday block swap blocks this week. I als made my 1st take on my center block for the next round of the SFRR3. It is very hard designing and sewing for yourself as a client, I have learned...much harder than making a block for someone else! And on Thursday, when I had that need for speed, I decided to whip up a 30 6" scrap blocks for another Linus top. These use some of my Kaffee Fasset red and purple foxglove and begonia leave fabric squares. I have had these for a while, and just didn't know what I was going to use them on. They are bright and bold.


  1. WOW! What a huge icicle!

  2. Want to swap houses? I think today is the 6th straight day over 40C (that's about 110 I think) and we're lokoing forward to a 'cool change' - this Friday is meant to be only 35 (just below 100). And we're sure to have a few more heatwaves before summer is done.

  3. Wow, I've never seen an icicle that big before.

    love the fabrics you used for the quilt.

    Love and hugs Gina xxx

  4. Anonymous7:57 AM

    love that begonia leaves project,

    and the icicle, wow, wow, we don't have that overhere anymore
