Friday, March 06, 2009

My Dining Room Steps into Spring

As hostess of the Four Seasons Quilt Swap, I knew that a quilt was coming, as I have all others, but I had no idea what I was getting. I think I even forgot that I'd requested a table piece! Gina made this as a part of the Monochromatic challenge of this swap - a slight variation I devised for this session to make quilters try something different. She chose (or perhaps I did, I have since forgotten!) the winter season to go with the purple color. I have it poised atop my favorite antique alongside a couple Easter decorations. Yes, spring IS coming, someday!
It's marvelous! She entitled it Ice Crystals. The quilting is in a metallic thread, which I rarely bother with because I end up pulling out more threads and hairs from my head out of frustration. I thought I had a closeup of the quilting, but I guess the camera ate it. Despite this being a part of my new and improved "Spring" dining room ensemble, it does resemble snow flakes very nicely. And since our yard still looks like this, I think it is appropriate!!

It is a great size for a table topper - not big so that it has to go on my dining room table. I love how it does not smother my antique buffet, but allows the top to show. Gina's done a fantastic job. Many, many thanks!! Oh, and the above shot shows it along with a piece Kate made last year. Do you see a trend??...I LOVE purple.
Here is my other spring decoration addition "Spring Baskets", and one of my NY's resolutions in action (get table runners for all seasons made this year). It's simple in design, but bright and utilizes colors I don't often gravitate towards. It is all from batiks too.
Here's a closeup of the leafy quilting in the larger triangles. I just love it, about as much as much as I love working with King Tut threads.
...a glimpse from the back. I couldn't rationalize using batiks on the back, so it is just ivory cotton. This is the leafy pattern in the basket area.

...and a pic from the front of the same area. For the most part, I am pleased. I want to rework 3 of the corners to improve them, but that can be done with time.
Happy Spring, wherever you are!


  1. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Wonderful monochromatic quilt! Paper-pieced? I love the purple baskets, the quilts all coordinate so well. I've thought of doing tablerunners, maybe I'll get around to doing one for spring!

  2. What a great table topper! I'm most impressed by your quilted leaves, I think I need more practise!

  3. Love both of your table toppers! But especially the batik one just 'cause I love them more than pruple, hehe!

  4. I have a quilt from Gina from the Doll Swap Quilt 5. It is just stunning! Doesn't she do great work? I love it.
