Sunday, May 10, 2009

Top Nearly Done

And a very Happy Mother's Day to you ladies.

Sometimes when we have small children, and we are in the throws of constant tantrums and dissatisfaction, it's too easy to forget that it is a blessing that we have these rotten little creatures. Despite off and on morning rain drizzle, I dragged my entire crew to a local garden that is in full bloom right now. It's a very small public garden, that has thousands of tulips in bloom right now. It has become an annual tradition - we have been all but one of the last seven years. Even my 1st grader asks about going, so it is nice to have something that is looked forward to which is so simple as flowers. Go have a look...

The quilt flimsy for my oldest son is nearly completed. I added the diamond border this weekend. I love the way the border tames down the wildness of the Bento Box pattern. I never did use the inspiration fabric from which all of these fabrics were selected, but it will go on the back.

My son's room is in shades of the dusty blue so it ought to look good. Although, he was begging to paint his room this morning. It's always something!


  1. Margaret, the quilt is great! I love that border. Good job. Sounds like ya'll had fun at the garden.

  2. I really like that border! I wouldn't have thought of that for a bento box, but it works.

  3. I think it looks great!
