Thursday, June 25, 2009

Last 2 Project Linus Finishes

I know this blog is mostly for sewing adventures, but it's hard to pass on a couple very cute pictures of my soon-to-be-not a two year old. I mostly put these in because she's wearing the prettiest smocked dress. In fact, this is the very dress I wore on my 1st day of kindergarten...38 years ago! Yes, I must have been something tiny. It fits her pretty well. The bullion embroidery around the dress is quite lovely & dainty, and well beyond my patience level.

I finished these 2 Linus quilts a couple weeks ago during a sewing lull. We finally had a break in the month-long rains, so I could get them outside with the camera. This one is all from my scrap strips box. Sadly, I don't think I even made a dent in the box. It does lay flat - the folds at the sashing are because it was folded up for a few weeks.
This one is kind of like "gramma's attic" to me. I pulled darks and lights from my box of precut 4.5" scrap squares (it is down to about 1200 squares now!). It's not my favorite, but If you squint your eyes just right, you can detect the pattern! It is a case of complete salvage. Two yrs ago I bought 4 unused lavendar curtain panels at Goodwill for a buck or two each. They had 2 yards of fabric in each! I pulled them out for the backing and binding! There is no fabric that I won't eventually use!

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