Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Perspective and a Peek

So, one of my readers thought she needed some perspective on the size of this 42 mile cone of thread...
Here goes...The cone is 7-1/2" in diameter at the bottom and is 9" tall. The mini cone on the top is one of Superior's 3280yd cones which I use on the longarm. The teeny spool is standard 500 yard spool which I use all the time. The gargantuan cone is equal to 148 of the small spools and 22.5 of the Superior cones! I value it around $350!

And here's a little peek at a gorgeous quilt I have on the frame right now. It has an applique medallion as well as applique on the border. Stitching around the appliques is taking me forever and a year to do. I think I am about half done (with 6-7 hours in). The second half is always faster, as all the mistakes are done in the beginning as I try to figure out what will look best. I have yet to do any of the ruler work to set off the two fills in the medallion area. I'm most anxious to complete this one (yes it is tedious, but I have another motive). When it is off, the next quilt on is my summer quilt (see sidebar link). I finally have plans in place and thread in hand to quilt it. Whether I have the skills needed to execute my plan remains to be seen...


  1. My jaw is on the ground. It looks beautiful!

  2. The quilt is beautiful. Let me confess....the other day when you first posted that big spool of thread I thought it was a roll of toilet paper when I first saw it and was afraid to leave that comment.

  3. Wow, it's even bigger than I thought! Thanks Margaret. And I can't wait to see how you quilt your summer quilt - whatever you do, I'm sure it will be fantastic!
