Saturday, April 24, 2010

Toot Toot!

So this was my very humble little table at the Project Linus blanket event last month. I know, it is a horrible picture. The light coming in the window is fading the entire shot out. I brought 2 of my favorite quilts (on the table) and the ladybug quilt (hanging). Most of what I have quilted has gone to different owners, not myself, so the best examples of my own quilting were in pictures in an album. In fact, the pink and orange disappearing-9 patch on the front of the table sold to a person in Australia more than a week ago, so I don't even have that now!

And look what arrived this morning with the mail... The May edition of Machine Quilting Unlimitted. I wasn't actually going to believe that I was to be in a magazine until I actually saw it. The pictures are great! So, there's my humble (or not so humble) tooting of my own horn. It's been a rather "heady" ride lately. I love the rewards of hard work like being in the magazine and taking home show ribbons, but now I am just ready to do some great quilting. Time to get serious, and earn all this praise.
Have a great weekend!


  1. Oooh, I can't wait to get my copy now!

  2. Me too (now I now when to expect my copy)! Congratulations on being published!
