Tuesday, August 03, 2010

So Close

I received the judges comments from the show today. They were generally good, and where suggestions were made for something better to have been done, it was areas I already knew about such as that dreaded lime green flange (which I hand stitched down as an after thought). It never really layed completely flat, and I knew it, but couldn't do anything about it. I am a little surprised that there were huge variations in judges scoring. One quilt scored a 91 (which is a 1st place ribbon) from one judge, and in the mid-70's from another. I suppose that is why there are three judges so that a suitable average can be obtained. I am very pleased that the average score on Primavera was under 2 points from a red ribbon. I am so very bummed (and probably more shocked given all of it's known flaws) that Summer on the Beach was 0.333 from a red ribbon! I just needed one more judge to give me one more point. UGH! So close!

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