Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Tuesdays are Just For Me

Greetings Tuesday quilters! It's a nice, sunny 60F day here today-hardly a good day to sew, but I think I will manage. I am sort of in a wind down mode with customer quilting this week, not wanting to start anything that I might have to leave on the frame over the long weekend since I will be away 4 days. I just cannot 100% trust that my other half won't accidentally leave the studio/basement door open, allowing my cat access to her forbidden land. Besides, I am leaving the machine open so that upon my return I can get going with a custom quilt for a Folsom California guild. The backing fabric has been reordered, so it may still be a few days.

I had been working on two commission quilts, but the owner of one of them (partial top shown on the left) pulled the plug on her's recently. All it lacks is the brown borders. You see, the quilt below was the "inspiration" quilt. It's just not the right size for her. And I am supposed to make her one in this same spirit, same fabric lines, etc. The word "similar" appeared in the contract, as did the names of the Freespirit Annabella and Treetop Fancy fabric lines. She was made aware that both lines are out of print, and finding exact fabrics is hard. I did have some of them still, and did locate a few, some of which were not in the original, but still that coordinated. Out of courtesy, I sent her a picture of where I was. And she flipped. She thinks it is completely different, in design and fabric. She wants her money back, which is definitely not happening. I am livid over her attitude. I think this may be the end of my making commisisons without 100% payment up front. The kicker her is that I will have a tough time selling her's beause it is a sideways twin - 65"x85", and because the birds & butterflies are fussy cut, it will only work as a lap quilt or in an eclectic fashion on a twin or day bed. If you know of anyone that might like this quilt finished, do send them my way!

I am spending a couple days this week doing a quilt for my aunt, and the rest of the time laying low, working on my own tops. Here's my Stonehenge fabrics top, designed to look like a mosaic floor. This afternoon, I will add the next border. It's not laying 100% smoothely, thanks to that rosette (no great surprise here!), but I truly suspect that I can quilt it into submission.
And the other quilt on my docket... After losing the pattern in EQ7, and really hating how my ribbon row was not matching up well, and then ordering more of both batiks (yes, there are several colors of taupe there, despite the picture)...I redid the border. I have about half of the ribbons appliqued on. I also have finished the next border, with the "stained glass" panels. This row will be heavily appliqued with more grape vines. Then a scallop border will be cut.
It has lotsa room for fun & fancy quilting. I can hardly wait to start that design. Nothing fancy with the stained glass insertions here - just trying to pop some purple into the quilt.
Time for me to get to work now!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, after all that hard work and then the client acts like she did. Shame on her. I think you did an outstanding job matching the original. Maybe you can finish the quilt and auction it off or donate to a charity and have them do so. My sister is a doll maker (du buh du designs)and she has had to deal with similar clients. Hope your week has gotten better! ~ Oh, and thanks for letting me know that my quilt top got there safely!
