Thursday, January 06, 2011

Balinda's Beauties

I have a client that is a prolific quilter/piecer. She brings me several quilts at a time, and frequently brings more when she pick some up. Seems I always have a box of her's to quilt! Here are two more...This is a fun and interesting pattern...many, many little pieces to perfectly align in this pattern. The pink, orange and green make a lively quilt top - and we all know how I love pink and orange together! The back is a nice green. She asked for an edge to edge, so I selected this panto. The pattern name escapes me right now. It's big at 84"x96".
Here's another of her's. This is much smaller, maybe 42" square. It is one she plans to donate somewhere I think.
The hot pink backing has hearts on it so I free quilted hearts in the pink blocks. The rest is just loopy.

I have my quilt back on the frame for a few days of "redo", then I am onto a couple more client quilts. This is the time of year that is predictably slow in terms of receiving client quilting jobs. Last year was very slow for a couple months after Christmas, then it took off very busy for 8-9 months. So...if you are out there and are considering having a quilt longarm quilted, I could do it for you now with a relatively quick turnaround! Send me an email


  1. I love that firey flower pattern you used. I think I need to sew a quilt so you can quilt it with that. LOL! I need to get piecing so I can send something your way and get the magic done to it!

  2. Yeah more wonderful quilting! The first quilt is a Bonnie Hunter design "Double Delight". I think she has taken it off her quiltville website because she put it into her most recent book.

  3. very pretty quilts and fabulous quilting,Amy

  4. Beautiful beautiful and again, beautiful. Love the quilted floral panel--so free flowing.
