Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day work in Progress

Remember a week ago, when it was raining constantly and was only 50F?? Today it is seasonably normal and close to 90F. OK, it's rather shockingly hot to the system. We are installing the upstairs air conditioners, but the downstairs one has to wait until there is a door between the kitchen and garage (or else it will try to cool twice it's rating). Plus, the drywall is going up tomorrow and then will be sanded, etc this week, and the living room window the A/C goes in is right there in the way. We'll tough it out downstairs fro a few days.

I did get to put on a customer quilt this weekend. I think I am several days still from having any more disturbances in my basement. This will be finished and off by then. I hit it hard this weekend, and it is about half-done. Here's a few sneak peeks...
The outer border is rather thin for too much fancy-ness, only being about 5". I like the look of straight lines on the outer border to help ground the quilt. I think that it will work especially well on this quilt since it is a lovely quilt, but with busier fabrics. It is so deliciously romantic. Here is a look at the entire quilt.
I am quilting two faux borders or boxes that are being filled with pebbles. You don't get to see much of it here, but it looks really neat, and it will add a textural dimension to the quilt. I like to see pattern in the quilting that is different from the piecing. It gives quilts a nice depth. I'll show more of this this week as it progresses.


  1. Looks great! Can't wait to see the finished quilt.

  2. I've loved every version I've seen of this pattern - I know your quilting will make it look that much more awesome. Can't wait to see it fully quilted!

  3. Look at my baby!! I can't believe you got it on the machine. I'm so excited!!
    Hopefully you got some time off and enjoyed it with the kiddos.
    Happy Memorial Day!

  4. This is so pretty and creative! What batting is used?
