Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Hanging on By a Thread Translates to a SALE

Note...I am having a on for more details.

Many people suffer with seasonal depression. Short and cold days, less exercise, less money after the holidays, etc. Yes, yes and yes. I'm not saying I am depressed, but understimulated and overfrustrated for sure. And if this thermometer does not say freakin cold, what does (hint: the bottom right number is the outside temperature last weekend). We had a snow day last Thursday, then this bitter cold for 2 days. Translation: kids in the house TOO much of the time. Some days I wonder what was so darn alluring about having a baby, that I needed to do it 3 times. Seriously, they all turn into toddlers, which seem challenging at the time. Then they become these sassy, mouthy creatures with attitude that suck up money like water into a dry towel, leaving their parents sprawled in chairs each evening wondering "What have we gotten ourselves into?". And yet the little old ladies everywhere always tell you "Enjoy it, it will be gone so fast". Really?
This quilt was delivered last week to a local client. She made it from her father-in-law's shirts, for the widowed mother-in-law. It actually quilted up very nicely. The man had nice taste - his shirts were not thin whatsoever, and many had a pretty sheen to them.

This is "Groundcover" panto. I have only used it a time or 2 previously, but she requested leaves for the pattern.

I stitched it with a charcoal Glide thread, which also has a lovely sheen. I think she was pleased with the quilt.

Now that I forced you to read through my ramblings, I will mention a sale that I am having until Feb 5. All edge-to-edge (panto and freehand, and stippling) patterns are 20% off. Must mention this discount when you dropoff or mail your quilts. Discount will be taken from my regularly low prices that are given here If interested, drop me an email

Happy Humpday~

1 comment:

  1. I'm sensing a theme in most of the blogs today centering around children, the weather, and keeping our sanity. You sound very sane, believe me, compare to some. Keep on keepin on mommy!
