Sunday, June 24, 2012

Some of you may remember this quilt from last year...It's my 40.5" Intertwined quilt, started in Karen Kay Buckley's class nearly 2 years ago.  It is coming out in this month's edition of Machine Quilting Unlimited!  More pictures can be seen at the link.

It's going to a couple of shows in August and September.  It turned out to be 1/2" too large for the small quilt category at many quilt shows, so it hangs pretty in my dining room.

I have a full week of sewing being planned.  All three of my kids are off to day camp.  I have a binding to machine stitch on to a 117" quilt - thankfully the client is doing the hand stitching!  Then it's off to my fun stuff.  I have a ton of paper foundations prepared, and some of the pieces even cut.  I'm not even sure if I will touch the longarm this week.  Though my visions of what is really possible are often lofty, I plan to get my 40" silk quilt put together.  Just have one piece of silk awaiting the prewashing and then I'll be ready.  It's a little fidgetty how it will go together, so that may not be as simple as it sounds.  Fortunately, the mariner's star and all pieced blocks are done.  It's only got assembly left.  And another quilt I have started, the 2012 version of a mosaic floor, is underway too.  I showed the center a week or so ago.  Two of the 4 borders receiving the orange applique are done.  Each of these takes me nearly a week of hand sewing in the evening.  Maybe I'll even show an EQ7 plan for the entire quilt so you can see where I am...I hope to get all paper-pieced units made up, and then the corner sections.  It really needs to be assembled after the applique is done (or else I have a lapfull of fabric to hold and sweat under as I hand stitch!).  It seems realistic that I can assemble the next 4 corner sections, only after a significant amount of paper-piecing.  Other fun things for this week include having my car inspected, making a list of threads to hopefully buy next weekend at VQF, and maybe even go grocery shopping sans my kids!

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