Thursday, August 23, 2012

Postage Stamps

I quilted this for a client a couple weeks ago.  It is a lap quilt made from 2" squares -- nearly 1000 of them.  Although they all look different, which was fun for me to spot many fabrics I have used as well  as many I'd love to have had, it did have some repeats.  I can't even imagine having enough fabrics to make them all different.

Because it is very busy, it's quilted with a simple Terry Twist.  It softens the strong geometric lines, yet is still reasonably quick (ie, not a custom) to quilt.
The quilt has lovely, yet simple texture to contrast with the very busy colors and patterns.  I love the idea of making a quilt like this to remember my kid's clothes, but still can't get past the fact that there are 1000 squares to have to cut!
With a mere 6 days until regular school days start again, we are off to Boston for a weekend.  Not really sure I'm ready or in the mood for 5 of us in a hotel room, and all that eating out (love for others to cook and clean for me, but taking the kids into restaurants really takes away the appeal of it!).  It's been a non-vacation summer...I'm totally hoping for next year and a trip to Florida again.  We'll be visiting the Museum of Science and Children's museum.  If I think I can drag them on the Freedom trail, I may try.


  1. From a Mom of a grown son who has moved too far away, I wanted to encourage you to find the joy your children can bring into your life in the midst of their seemingly exhaustive behavior. A day is coming soon when you'll miss them being young and at home.

  2. A postage stamp is definitely on my bucket list, just for the fun of remembering the fabrics in it! But you're correct, the cutting would be tedious. So mine will be years in the making :)

  3. A few years ago i was taken with the idea of making a quilt using a square of every fabric I own. I cut (I think) around 1300 2.5in squares, but was nowhere near done, and came to the conclusion that scrap quilts aren't my style anyway, and the resulting quilt would probably cover the house by the time I was done, and I abandoned the project! I still have the box of squares though.

  4. Such a beautiful quilt, Margaret, I love the simple textured quilting on it. Freedom Trail would be fun, the kids can learn a little history and maybe get tired to be wound down in the evening :) just a thought, have fun, Boston is one of my favorite cities!

  5. Just popped over from Amy's, your quilting is amazing! I love your doodles at the end, the swirls and scrolls are my favourite quilting technique!
