Friday, December 06, 2013

December progress

Only a couple more days in my schedule to putter with this beauty.  I have a few last quilts to finish off before Christmas.  I still have a lot to do on it, and some areas to take out thanks to tension that turned out to be less ideal.  But none the less, it is coming along very nicely.  here's a peek at a small (and almost completed section!).
Please don't repost this anywhere.  Thanks


  1. That quilt is beautiful and our quilting is just amazing.....

  2. Поразительно красиво и сложно! Здесь столько труда! Хочется взглянуть на завершенную работу целиком.

  3. May I ask you why you don't want your pictures pinned on pinterest? I have some of my blog pictures there and I'm wondering if I should remove them? Yours is not the first blog I've seen with the statement to not pin your pictures. Is there something I'm missing?

  4. Beautiful!!!! I love your work, you are inspiring!!!

  5. Breath taking, Margaret!! Your quilting is magnificent!
