Thursday, December 04, 2014

What a week

Its been a heck of a week.   I just spent the last 30 minutes driving around, and emailing my 12 yr old, wondering where in the world he was.  He was over 30 minutes late getting home, which isn't normal, since he walks.   It's cold outside and the big buffoon refuses to wear a coat.  Nobody would answer at the school so I finally I called the superintendent's office.  After tracking down my kid, he matter-of-factly tells me he is at steel drum practice (as he should be on a Thursday afternoon!).  A huge sigh of relief for me, and I feel like a fool since my next call was going to be the police dept.  Nerves are on high this week, this day, and as ridiculously simple as this is, I needed it!

I feel like I am massively behind.  I had this same 12 yr old home on Tuesday with an alleged illness. Truth is, he did have a head ache and a sore throat, but the honest reality is that he'd been discovered the day before in a huge school unraveling.  Seems that after 1st quarter ended at the end of October, he decided to quit doing school work for the month of November.  He had 4 in-class quizes in science that I innocently inquired about, as they didn't have grades, and then the shit hit the fan.  How on earth does a kid not turn in an in-class quiz 4 times and why wouldn't a teacher say anything?  That little discovery resulted in emails from 2 other teachers that had similar tales.  The icing on the hellish cake though was that my very disorganized, lovely slob of a son, managed to lose all of his chapter 2 math work, which had to be checked in for a grade this week.  His teacher made him redo it.  She's a bit of a bully he thinks.  I am coming to not really like this lady much, or to respect her ways.  She said he admitted to not ever doing any of this work, but there were several pages he and I both recognized, as I had helped him on them.  So I know well enough he wouldn't admit to that, ever.   So, he was home Tuesday, doing math for 14 hours, some science too.  Oh, and there was a language arts page that has been done too, and another math quiz was made up today for a whopping 100%. Take that you non-believing math teacher.  He brought home a science test from a week or so ago too yesterday, with a big firm A on it.  Ms Lady Science was shocked I suspect, but hey?!?  The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree.

This same boy of mine needed to have an ear looked at by a doctor today.  Damn I hate the ears.  No self-diagnosis or self-treating of them.  And naturally, he missed his freaking math class.  I only know this because Mr. Language Arts emailed to tell me so.  I'm really not appreciating such a close relationship with these teachers.  They are going to jinx the Gunn name for my next son, who starts at this school, next year -- and this kid is ultra organized, ultra brilliant (not that the oldest isn't smart, he just has other motivations and aspirations) and smart beyond what most boys that age will actually show.

So my weekly sob story is done.  It has been frustrating, and stressful.  My pantry is bare because every time I think I will go shop, someone needs a doctor, or help on the 13th math page of the day, or a dance practice, or a basketball game.  I managed to get 2 very huge client quilts done and binding on this week in between all of the stuff we call "life".  Seems like a small miracle.  I started on one of my MQX class samples today when I had the head to quilt.  Some days it is a losing battle if your  head isn't into it.  I will finish this tomorrow.  I suspect it is about time for things to get back to normal.

I haven't really started shopping for xmas yet.  But I am very soon to sit down to Amazon and pay some exorbitant shipping fees so that I can avoid entering a mall.  It is the small expense I will go to so that my slippers can stay on, and I don't need to find a coat and de-ice my car.  Yes, winter is here already.  I am a cocoon in my own home.  Now, let's get busy and do some quilting.  I'll dig out some pretty pictures for another post soon...but my computer has been acting poorly today too.  Good grief, when it rains, it truly does pour!  Sew on my quilty friends!


  1. Love the Alpine Wonder tree by Mary Lou Hallenbeck. I quilted the pattern cover photo sample, and have quilted over 70 of these since the pattern came out!! Yours is beautiful.

  2. Oh Margaret, the trials of being a parent. The little turds!!! We just missed our last one graduating to start sending/getting emails from teachers etc. Whew!!! I like technology, but not that much. So the grades came up after you "kicked" him on his backside, hehe.

    Hang in there. Merry Christmas,

    Sharon in Colorado

  3. Bleh! We go through very similar schoolwork woes every single flippin' quarter with our youngest (a junior in high school). Super smart kid, just can't keep it together. So I feel your pain! I have yet to address the Christmas shopping issue. can't stand it. bah humbug! lol

  4. Oh Margaret, I'm so sorry for your crazy week. I know it is no comfort, but you WILL one day miss the confusion of growing children, running a business and a home. It will get better! They do grow up!

  5. There's something called "Prine" I think, on Amazon that gives you free shipping. Worth looking into, maybe?

    Margaret, thank you so very much for sharing your work with us. It's absolutely awe inspiring! Such creativity you have. And, the ability to execute it!

    maggie in arizona

  6. So sorry to hear about your troubles, I had a son who went 'on strike' at school for two months (also with no notification by his teachers)--he didn't like his teachers and wasn't being challenged. I can relate to your hair tearing out frustration. Thankfully, he is now a productive member of society.

  7. Amazon has something called "Prime", I think, that results in free shipping. Maybe worth a look?

    Margaret, thank you so very much for sharing your incredible work with us. It's so beautiful! And, unique. It's jaw dropping and inspirational, both.

    maggie in Arizona

  8. Anonymous4:04 PM

    After reading your post I really mustn't say anything but "my day was swell"!!!! I absolutely DO remember such stretches of time. I/we have 2 boys (grown, now) but DS#2 was the center of many episodes similar to those you've shared....sigh.... I can only share something you already know.......this, too, shall pass. I pray that you will have a day like I had a few years back (#2 son...married with a daughter...stopped at the house and asked me "how did I ever put up with all that stuff w/o severe bodily harm inflicted????". That moment was awesome!!!!! LOL! Hugs and prayers for you.....all!!!!!

  9. Hope your week end will be better. Love this tree you are making - beautifull :-) Have a great Christmastime

  10. Been there and done that with the stage of parenthood of tweens and teachers. I had one more wrench in the works as I worked at the school and the teachers could contact me everyday. My son found out early I found out about things and he couldn't hide anything from me. He is 37 and still tells me stuff. Hope your week goes better. Chris

  11. The joys of school work! My daughter went through the same thing, we found sheets upon sheets of math homework in her bag :) she just sat there and did them all. When the pressure is on for her, things slip and I get emails from teachers letting me know homework isn't done. Its tough for us and them. At least you have your wonderful sewing to escape it all with :)
