Wednesday, August 24, 2016

A Big Finish

After the "flood" was dealt with last week, I got to work on this 104" gigantic batik quilt.  It belongs to a guild from NC, and they will be selling tickets in the coming year to raffle it off.  It is so large, though, that I found it a challenge to get a full photo taken in my hallway, but hopefully you get the idea.  There is a center lone star, and then 9 or 10 borders.
It was a "budget" total free reign to quilt as desired, but none the less I was able to give it some custom treatments to enhance the nice piecing.  It has a wool batting, and it is quilted with 40wt Glide and YLI polished poly threads.  I am not sure if the thread color is entirely visible, but I used a medium pink like the sashing on some of it, as well as a soft aqua.
This border of stars was initially going to get the E2E fill, but I decided to modify that play and put the pumpkin seed there instead.  The lighter fabric conveys the quilting nicely -- too well to just give it a filler.  I left he plain blue border and it's neighboring equilateral triangles for the E2E.  The previous photo is before I got the client's OK to go back and SID the perimeter of the stars.  I think that it was a worthy expense.  They are much crisper now.
 ...after ditching
This photo shows the outermost borders...rather than using very traditional/Victorian styled feathers on this, I did a couple of borders with a fernier style of fill.  This always seems to work well on batiks.  Plus, it is a faster motif to quilt when time is truly of the essence.
 I tried to make the center star be the show of the quilt.  There is more detail here.  I copied the continuous curves of the star border here again, and brought in the curved-crosshatching.
 It will be shipping home to the client Monday, and I hope she like it!


  1. A wonderful quilt! Beautifully pieced and exquisitely quilted! Love it!

  2. In a word, Outstanding!!!

  3. Wow! Pretty! When are you going to give us a preview of your new book?

  4. Perfect design choices! Thanks for sharing.

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