Thursday, December 22, 2016

A newly finished oldie & a discussion on ettiquite

For those of you that don't know, I sold my Fusion 2 weeks ago.  It was a bittersweet moment as the new buyer and I took her apart, a month more than 7 years after I first put her together.  We made hundreds of great quilts together and started a business together.   What you may not realize is that while I was in Houston, I bought a new machine...a new Fusion!  It was installed 10 days ago - just 3 days after the old one headed to its new home.  I have been working on a few of my own quilts to "work out the kinks", before tackling a custom client quilt.

I finished a couple of small things 2 days ago when I got that wild hair to do something for myself. Somewhere near 6 yrs ago, I made this runner for myself.  The blocks were made from fabrics used in a block swap I participated in.  For whatever reason, I had 9 or 10 leftover blocks after the quilt was made, so a few runners were made.  I kept one of them.  This would have been sometime during the first year I had the old longarm.

 These particular star blocks were actually made by me, although most of the blocks on the quilt were made by others.  You'll see that in a moment.  I quilted it fairly simple.  It was pretty, but nothing terribly special.  A 50 wt So Fine thread was used.  This thread is great, but it is flat and appears somewhat utilitarian.
I didn't know how to make feathers then (or not at all well!).  It was also apparent that my machine was having a timing issue too, as there are places of skipped stitches.  What always bothers me is that when clients come to drop off or pick up quilts, we use my dining room.  It always has a runner on the table, and not a one of my runners were quilted in recent years.  They may have nice colors and piecing/applique, but the quilting is not in any way indicative of what I can do.   I am often ashamed. It was time to rectify that.
 Here is the quilt where most of the swap blocks went -- all in the same color scheme which I love.
I quilted this right before I went to the Handi Quilter retreat in the fall of 2010.  It was done knowing it would likely be in the ad that was being shot during the retreat.  I tried to quilt it as good as I could! Here's a peek at what the ad looked like...This is actually a banner that hung at trade shows.

 So, rather than doing this the right way (remove binding, then skin the quilt top from the batting and backing, I foolishly did it the hard way!  I basted fabric to the binding and loaded it all to the longarm.  I then proceeded to remove the quilting section by section, requilting as I went.  Had I done it the right way, I'd have added a layer of batting...something it really needs. Oh well.

 I used Glide threads on all of it.  This 40wt thread has a pretty sheen, giving this a more formal look.  It is also much more densely quilted -- more to my aesthetic.  There's much better ditching, and more ruler work, feathers and cross-hatching.  It is just a nicer quilting, representative of my added 93 million stitches of experience!  Yup, that was the stitch counter when my machine was sold.

If you have gotten this far, then I have a very important thing to discuss.  You may have discovered that you are not able to right-click and save photos from my blog.  Many people do this so that they can repost them somewhere else.  Less reputable folks do much worse.  I believe that these are my work, and my property, and I don't want people to do this.  You may also have noticed that I have an explicit copyright statement on the right sidebar too, asking you not to use my materials or photos without my consent.  Artists should not have to write this, but I have.  And I do expect others to respect that.  I make quilts for show, and create techniques that I teach, and do NOT want them to be widely dispersed by others.  This is my livelihood.  Please respect it.

I have recently discovered many photos were taken by a website called QuiltersHub, as well as many others that post them to Pinterest.  Quilting Hub posts quilters photos, but receives income for every person that visits their site.  They are profiting off of us, without our consent, and it is wrong.  Please take note that I will stop sharing things if this continues.  The large watermarks on my photos above are really irritating to look at, I know that, but I don't want my information copied against my will just because some of you know how to do it.  Too many people that post and repost to Pinterest don't bother to give credit to the artist.  Even if you do credit the artist, GET THEIR CONSENT!

Thank you.


  1. I very much had liked your latest works.I have kept to myself their photos.

  2. I sooo love the name in the middle of the image and totally understand. I too have had images stolen. I had one stolen and then attributed to someone else's pattern. Infuriating to say the least. I haven't resorted to watermarks yet as I still handling my quilt pattern designs as a hobby at this point. But I definitely respect your decision and will certainly consider doing the same if I proceed to the business stage. Love your quilting...I've been free motion quilting for several years but still struggling with design placement. I'm still patiently waiting for your book release...preordered it on Amazon months ago.

  3. You do beautiful work and are tremendously inspirational! I am a DSM quilter but when I see your work and read your blog, I am inspired to try new approaches to FMQ. Not copying your style - just thinking new boundaries and combinations. And seeing your journey in today's blog encourages me - I will get better! Someone profiting from pictures of your work is SO WRONG - they are thieves! Please notify Pinterest about this and if you've copoyrighted it about the copyright infringement. Please don't let the few thieves define any part of your life. They are not worth it! These are the same people who download music illegally etc. They are the few - the quilting community truly loves your work and va!yes your ownership of your own work.

  4. Margaret, you do beautiful work. I quilt on my DSM but I am inspired by your work to try new combinations and approaches - not copying but being excited and challenged to grow. Seeing your growth in technique and style is very encouraging. Thank you for sharing. The community of quilters value you and respect your ownership of your own work. Those who take it and profit off it without your consent are thieves. Please notify Pinterest of this and if you've copyrighted it of the copyright infringement. I am told that people can lose privileges on Pinterest and etsy And it sounds like its time for a couple people to do so. Please don't let a few define any part of you. You are great!

  5. Your amazing work deserves to be credited to you.

  6. Thank you for sharing your wonderful work with us. I always look forward to your posts and am grateful that you would take the time to do this.

  7. Hi Margaret, I have the same problem with photos being shared and wondered how to place a watermark on mine. How do you do that? Kudos for resurrecting the table runner! It was totally worth the work!
    Susan Slaton, Wazoo Quilting
