Monday, December 05, 2016

It is December

It seems hard to believe it has been several weeks since I last posted, but I have been technology challenged.  My computer died, without little warning.  It was related to an automatic Windows update that it just couldn't work right with.  The reality is though that the computer needed replacing.  It has just been a challenge replacing ALL of the software my older computer had.

My longarm has sold -- it will all be official this weekend when the buyer comes to pick it up.  I am very excited to be getting the new one set up next week!  I just hope the new buyer knows how great that machine is.

I have done a fantastic custom quilt that I am not really allowed to show.  I am hoping that a snippet of the backside does not get me in trouble.
 Since my machine is going away on the weekend, I cannot load the usual jobs I quilt because they won't be done in time.  I did this small-ish class sample last week.  The applique is mediocre at best, and not done by me.  My class is A is for Applique and will be a design-centered class with a focus on applique quilts.
Christmas is coming; the snow that fell today is a cruel reminder of that.  If you've been around long enough, you know how much I really loathe the holidays!  Never the less, my youngest wanted to go see Santa yesterday.  He's a really good Santa too.
 This past weekend, I whipped up a quick sample from a couple charm packs of Shot Cottons.  It is in the process of getting a bunch of grid-based fills.  It's not exactly a fast task as I have half of the piece remaining!

 Sneak peek... Yup, black thread is daring!  if not crazy.
I will be back soon...with more interesting things to show!


  1. I have only read the first paragraph but want you to know my computer died for the same reason. Not only the soft ware issues the files that could not be retrieved - thousands of quilt shots. And the photos of my life for 9-10 years GONE .... oh in theory many are there but cant be read. All because Microsoft wanted to take away our software - sure it was free but hey after 25 years..... - and collect a fee each year.

    back to the blog

  2. wow very nice..happy new year...2017

  3. Those grid fills are absolutely stunning! I look forward to seeing the front of that first quilt you posted---that little sneak peek of the back sure is tantalizing! I am in complete agreement about the holidays---not only do I dislike the ice and snow of the season, I lost both parents 6 days apart on Valentine's Day so from Thanksgiving on the season is a reminder of times past and the loss of the present. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful really are an inspiration.
