Friday, February 08, 2019

Templates (and books) at AQS Daytona

Greetings all...

I am teaching at the AQS Daytona show in a few weeks. I have received questions about whether I will have templates to sell there. Here's the best answer I have.

I have preshipped books and class supplies already. It is not possible to ship a box of templates at this point. Furthermore, they are rather pricy to mail and any not sold have to be return shipped at the close of the show.  I do plan to pack at most 10 sets in a checked suitcase. I will not have individual ones because it becomes too time consuming in the classroom.

If you are in one of my classes and know now that you want a set, let me know and I will be sure to have it all labeled for you. If you want to drop by my class for a purchase, please note that I will sell between 4-5pm or before 8:30am only. I'd also appreciate you dropping me an email to let me know that you are coming to pick up.

Hope this works for everyone.


  1. Hello, I just discovered you on Pinterest. I am the creator of the Facebook Group "Quilting Perfectly Imperfect". I hope you don't mind I shared your link to your blog to my page of about 45K members. If you do please let me know I will take it down, but your work is too amazing not to share with my members. I am in awe of you for sure. Regards Teddy of QPI

  2. That is fine, thanks!
