The 2 Project Linus Book Blanket challenge quilts were taken to the coordinator yesterday. I need not post any pictures of the Caterpillar quilt as there have been many. But (despite) my mother's request not to do this yet, I am anyway. The quilt is way too cute. Back in late August, I went to my mom's house sans the boys for a day of sewing, unbeknownst to her. I arrived with sewing machine, and lots of precut material. We were going to make the quilt we'd talked so much about doing for 6 months. The summer was nearly over and it had not yet been done.
The fish fabrics she had bought for me to make a Linus blanket with anyways. Very cute. When I left that day, the top was complete and I'd left her with the binding strip, backing material and the book "Curious George goes Fishing".
Over the last month she added the appliques. He's soooo cute!. So cute that she may just beat out the caterpillar in the competition in 2 weeks!!
The show is at the Thornton Heights United Methodist Church on Oct 28, 10-2pm (South Portland)