Friday, September 30, 2011
Friday Fun
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Progress on Carpenter Star
Each of the diamonds of the wheel are densely quilted with different patterns. My hope is that it will appear as bands of texture going around the carmenter star when it is done. I'm using a wool batt over 80/20 so this (with all the piecing seams) is a thick quilt. Will be super heavy if mailed anywhere! So far, threads are Bottomline in bobbin and Invisifil on the top. Because the fabrics have so much pattern, it is hard to see the stitching. I so hope that the texture and time-consuming patterning does in fact show in the end. This seems to be a constant worry. What else am I to do, though, unless I want a bold or thick contrasting color thread?? Still going on faith at this point that my plans will work out.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
My Memories Giveaway

The software is And before I tell you more, I'll say that I will be giving away a copy of the software to one reader (name drawn at random on Oct 1). More on the drawing in a moment. I have used a different scrapbooking software previously so it was fun to Beta test a competitor's product. I made the rather simple page shown above (you know...gotta always push that business!!). There are many scrapbook pages to choose from, even ones that look like quilt patterns! There's lots of pre-arranged pages to use, or you can create your own. Borders, text, clipart, etc...lots of fun for all!
So how can one of you get your copy of this software??? Simple. Go to the site given above, have a look and leave me a comment with a valid email addy telling me why you'd love to win this software. I'll randomly select a person on October 1st.
If you happen not to win, and still want to purchase the software, tell them promo code "MSV210D" to get $10 off.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Thursday Thoughts
Monday, September 19, 2011
Postcards to the Press
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Bitten by the Silk Worm
Holy Shazam! I absolutely love this thread. It is smooth. It never pulled or nested on me. Never shreaded like the poly does sometimes. Many times. If only it weren't so freaking expensive. Like 6-1/2 times the cost of thin poly thread. Yikes! But it sews sooooo nicely (you can see where this logical argument will be going, right??). I just may have to get more of the taupe for quilting the background of the quilt I showed yesterday.
Anybody have a supplier of YLI-100 thread (1000m cones only) to recommend? Even better if they will sell to me wholesale...
supplier update...
1. has YLI 1000m at retail $18. Don't know about wholesale yet
2. Superior's has them wholesale for $9, and $12.99 retail, but I have not tried their silk.
3. The best prices I found are at Linda's Electric Quilters at $9 for the 1000m YLI silk - retail price.
Inquiring minds want to know...Why does a silk 100 never shread at the needle and the 60wt and 100wt polyesters do???
Friday, September 16, 2011
Got Butterflies?
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
The Art of Quilt Labeling
A label on a quilt is kind of like a head stone in a cemetary. It gives credit to who made the quilt for future generations. Sure, you are not likely to forget that you made the quilt, but will your daughter's daughter always remember? Being a lover of all things old and cherished, I hate that my daughter may not remember who made her crocheted & embroidered dresser scarves. She never knew her great-great grandmother. Heck, I barely did. These items were on my mother's dresser when she was young, and to me, that is really neat.
Anyhow, off track as usual...sorry. The point is the same though. As creaters of art (yes, quilts are art!), we should all try to label each quilt, and include at the very least a few basic pieces of the quilt's history. I include the following...a name for the quilt (not critical, but for shows it is required), my name (and if a different person did the quilting, include their's), where I am from, and the date when the quilt was finished. Beyond that, much is up to the individual.
One quilt I included a saying and a photo. The photo is special to me because it is my daughter, who the quilt was made for, at age 2-1/2, wearing a dress I started kindergarten in.

Monday, September 12, 2011
Mixed E2E and Custom Blocks
Saturday, September 10, 2011
More Time translates to Less Progress
My silk wholecloth is off of the frame now. I tell myself: "It's off so I can plan what to do in the backgrounds and order thread". Reality: "Customer quilts really need doing so my indecision has to wait!" I have some ideas, and am contemplating using colored threads for the fills, but may chicken out on that. We'll see when the next order of Invisifil thread arrives. Thank you MQS!~