The past 2 weeks, I have been puttering with three quilted pillow covers for my daughter's room-to-be. She doesn't actually have a twin bed in her room yet (probably it will arrive this winter). But that has not stopped me from making two quilts and now three pillow covers. OK, the pillows are not yet assembled, but the tops are all done and the pillow forms are on order, so assembly is immenent. I have pulled fabrics from the
Girly Fun dress quilt (which is more old fashioned) and my
Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend quilt (which is more bold and modern). Together they are just smashing! So long as Sophie doesn't change her mind and beg for blue & purple, we are golden (which brings up a future post about orange!).
Here's the 2nd one I made (yes, naturally Booger AKA "Blogger" put them out of proper order). It's destined to be 14". I plan to do a pink & white striped cording and the backing fabric remains to be seen.

I'm just MAD about that butterfly fabric (Free Spirit I think). Even with the brown, which has never really been my color, this one made up SO cute. I quilted around the flower & butterfly, then a vining border in the block border, and just loops in the outer border. The doggone inner pink border puckered a tad in one corner so I may pick out and fix that. I have just never been 100% pleased with my walking foot's performance. It never is completely flat unless I stipple the piece to hell and back before using the walking foot.

Here's the 3rd one I did. It is a 16" pillow. The center green star is all the old-fashioned small prints, except for the center diamond of Fairy Frost. Thanks to Emma who has supplied me with small amounts of MANY colors of this great fabric. The outer background is obviously a very mod print, but all together I think is is very nice.

I had an unusially nice quilting day with this one too. Nevermind the yellow bobbin thread - I was using up something I had on a bobbin since the inside will never show. Following Lisa's post about wonky/amoeba feathers, I cautiously showed the quilting of this one since I used feathers in the star points for a bit of variety. As I did them, I thought they looked a bit wonky, but when finished, I'm pretty pleased. I think I will add a covered button in the center of the green diamond too.

Lastly, the first of the quilted pillows...
The border stitching looks a bit wonky-not straight at the corners. I blame this on my walking foot again. I have left it because I think when streached over a pillow and finished, it won't even show. I HAD to use some of this Fancy bird fabric I bought not so long ago. I have several other corresponding fabrics, but they all have too much brown to use in her bedroom. Since this is only a 12" pillow, I am adding a ruffled edge in one of the pink fabrics. That will make it look a bit larger. This is my least favorite, despite loving the bird. I think I just got more creative as the pillow making continued.

Other news...
Despite spending $2000 last month on my husband's now gone Audi, and buying him a new one 4 days ago, he has actually given me the go-ahead to get a long arm machine. I could have fallen off the couch in surprise! Secretly, he's probably just looking forward to me making $$ doing what I do most of the time anyhow, but whatever! In the coming 2-3 years, my time to sew will only increase as my last one approaches school age. I need to have another business to keep me busy. Going back to work 8-5 as an engineer is just not feasible with 3 little kids, the bus schedules, etc. I need the flexibility. I teach 2-3 college classes each year, and that will hopefully also continue. 25 years ago when I started college, who'd have ever imagined that I'd be the Thermodynamics teaching Quilter Skater! ...another one of my passions :-)
I'll post more this weekend, but my 2 neices from Italy arrived last night and we are off to a day at the beach ~ Happy surfing & sanding.
You will love your machine when you get it! Did you decide to go with the Gammill?
"Sigh" While I sit at my desk all day my kids are at Wasampski Springs swimming. Enjoy the weather.
You will have so much fun with your new machine. Did you decide to go with the Gammill?
"Sigh" While I sit at my desk all day my kids are swimming at Wasampski Springs. Enjoy the weather.
Beautiful work, as always! I think the butterfly is a Tina Givens fabric? Great news about the longarm, too!
The feathers look great (if you have a site you used to get started on them I'd love to know, I tried with the help of a magazine article without any luck)
I love the "brown" butterfly!! I am excited for you to get your machine, if the quilting is anything like what you do on the minis they will be stunning!! Working on a price list yet??
I think it's a great idea for you to get a long arm.
Not only will it provide an income source with time flexability but given the problems you have blogged about in the past with longarmers you have commissioned, it will give you complete control over the quilting of all your quilts. Not to mention how much faster you will finish them (not that you don't already get so much done)!
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