Frantic, fried, and thankfully, it is Friday. It's been a hectic week, despite having my boys off at day camp all week. I have had a multitude of appointments for my daughter, and way too much running around and driving places. I have turned into a shuttle service. I guess that's every mother's plight.
I took my almost four-year old (and her Nana) to the swimming pool for the 2nd time this week. She's like a total fish, that one. So totally at home in the water, kicking around and dogpaddling. She'll be without the bubble belt by the time our 2 weeks in FL are done. Then we got a free lunch at Friendly's (the "happy ice cream place", as Miss S calls it) - not much better than that.
We are in for a wonderful weekend here, upper 80's/90's and I for one cannot wait. We are heading to a lake for the Fourth, and all are excited about trying out their newly learned swimming skills (my younger ones that is). Maybe we'll even stay for the fireworks this year too since my husband does not work the next day.
And for friendly faces, flowers and five. Yes, five. That's five days until I fly to Florida. Did I say FIVE???
Here's a client's Sun Flowers quilt completed recently. Not the best Foto here, but the next one shows better detail. It was fun to quilt.
Have a safe and fun 'F'!
Thanks for the pictures, I hope you'll find many another 'F' to describe!
And quilts are wonderful!
Best wishes,
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