Quilt #1...
Progress is sort of slow, but it is happening. Neither of my quilts-in-progress are fast movers on account of their complicated design. And it doesn't help that I sort of tweak the designs as I go too! These swag blocks are partly machine pieced and partly hand appliqued. In hindsight, this methodology is a little awkward, but I couldn't find another way to make them and have 2 background fabrics withougt getting a lot of seam bulk. I still need to do the corner blocks, and then they can all be trimmed to the proper size and stitched together.
There is actually a narrow border that will go around the center grape block, before the swags. I have not made it in case when I finished the applique swags, they didn't come out exactly the size I expected. This inner border is easy to modify the size of.
Here's a looksee at the EQ7 rendition of where this quilt is going. The large tan outer border will be mostly taken up with more grape applique. These 3 shades of beige/tan are actually all hand-dyes. It is being designed in color and size, mostly, to hang in my living room. Our couch has a tan and plum print, and we have 2 deep purple chairs. Next year sometime, the downstairs is undergoing a major remodel/renovation (new and larger kitchen, same for the dining and living rooms). The quilt may be finished around that time, at my rate of sewing!
Quilt #2...
These Stonehenge fabrics are really growing on me, especially with the addition of the 2 more earthy toned choices. It is definitely looking more and more like a mosaic floor. So far, it is about 40" square, on it's way to around 60-70".
It is time to regroup with the fabrics I have left and consider how much I like the next border. Refer to here... I am waffling a little bit on using the geese, and how to color coordinate them better. I know I love the outer intertwined border, but what goes between this and that is up for discussion.
Also still on the drawing board is the center of the rosette. I have this layed out, but it may not be what I eventually stitch!
This quilt takes on a completely different perspective with these corner pieces completed. Remember, this was last week... The paper-pieced blocks were very time consuming. Sometimes I hate being a perfectionist. Other times I applaud my anal-retentiveness. It is delightful when mitered corners come together so flawlessly. I don't know why I am doing another quilt on point. I usually curse myself when it is time to assemble these. Time will tell.
How have I done on that sometimes evasive To-Do lis for the week?? I am SO ready to get Mr. LA back. So ready!!
gorgeous! both are turning out gorgeous. I saw those Stonehenge fabrics someplace recently and I thought of you. They are really something.
WOAH! Both of your projects are stunning but HARD. You go girl! I can't wait to see them finished, I foresee more ribbons in your future.
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