Friday, October 30, 2009
What a Week
So the week started off with a bang. I launched my quilting business at prices I could have only imagined paying before I spent my kids' inheritance to buy a longarm. In under 24 hours I had about a dozen people commit me about 20 quilts to quilt in the next 2 months. I was flabergasted so many people were out there. There were more I had to turn away on account of needing to also do my own Christmas gifts in that period. Now I think that is in jeopardy. Hello Target & the mall!
Monday I gave an exam to my sometimes remedial Thermo students too. I actually have a dozen or so that are spectacular students, another 4-5 that will pass and another dozen that could pass as vegetables. They are not the ones you want designing the next space station, trust me. The exam blew even the good students away. It makes me hate facing them when morale is failing. Today they get back the scores and they are awful. With another exam looming on the horizon, I need a definite pick me up for the class. Heck, I need that.
On Tuesday I learned that my inlaws have the Swine. Joyous. Just joyous. They estimated getting it the previous Tuesday, TWO days after we visited them for a day. That's all I need is to have a houseful of swine flu sick kids. I cannot even get my freakin pediatrician to give my daughter a regular flu shot!
Wednesday came and brought me a cold. Or what I hoped was only a cold. My head hurt, I was tired, I felt yucky. My mojo was draining. Many of you know I have cats. I have (or now "had") one that is beautiful long haired orange. Henry's the sweetest disposition animal and totally reminds me of 2 other cats I have had that look just like him. I think that is why I got him at the shelter 1-1/2 yrs ago. He turned out to be diabetic requiring 2x shots. He needs special food at the tune of $30 per month. And over the last few months he's had more "accidents" on the floor than I can count. I really don't think that they are accidents. I think he's wicked lazy. He's completely ruined the hardwood floor in our kitchen. Well, yesterday I did the unthinkable and I took him back to the shelter, crying the entire way. We have no idea how old he is or how long we'll have him pooping on the floor. I just hit my breaking point. And to make matters worse, one of my other cats is missing. She ran away Wednesday. She never ventures far, but to date has spent 2 nights outside in sub freezing temps. It's not looking good. I'm sad and stressed.
So there it is, not pretty, not fun, and the reason my creative mojo is zapped. Before when I got stressed, I could piece quilts with the best of them to work through the stress. Quilting them is different. It takes a strong inner calm place to be creative. Maybe I should take up yoga!
Guess I'll go conquer a binding. Here's a few peeks at quilts I finished up this week... here, here and here. (Sorry, I'm making the reader double click for anything to see today!) I'm not sure there's another 9-patch quilt in my future, but the others were fun to make.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Have Met Quilting Quota for Holiday Priced Long-Arm Quilting!
Thank to all of you that are making the opening of my business a success!
Monday, October 26, 2009
An Early Christmas Quilting Extravaganza!
Here's what you can expect from me...
- a creative, all-over quilting design that compliments the quilt top
- It may have some detail quilting, but I am not promising more than a pantograph-style quilting. Some of the styles that I quilt proficiently include a peacock loop pattern, general meandering, loops & hearts, vining leaves with flowers & curling tendrils, swirling pattern, ripply water, and more, etc. My repetoire of quilting expands daily, so if you have an idea, just ask.
- a coordinating thread choice, with top and bottom threads being the same color
- I can supply batting if desired. I use Hobbs Heirloom 80cotton/20poly. My prices are: $5 for baby quilt (to 40"x40"), $7 for a lap quilt (to 60"x60"), $11 for a twin quilt (to 65"x85"), $14 for a queen quilt (to 90"x95"), and $20 for a king (to 108"x108").
- I am finishing quilts daily, but my website has detailed pictures of some of my quilts completed to date. By week's end, I should have three more shown there.
- My quilting is neat and expressive. I assure your finished quilt will reflect my personal sense of carefulness. You will not be disappointed.
I can quilt 4-5 per week. I will take these on a first come-first served basis. If you are interested, please email me as soon as possible to reserve your spot, and I will send you the mailing information you will need. My email is Also let me know if this must be sent back to you by December 1 because it is a present for someone.
Here's my asking prices for quilting for my business launching special for the next 2 months...
- baby quilt (to 40"x40") $15
- lap quilt (to 60"x60") $20
- twin quilt (to 65"x85") $28
- full/queen (to 90"x95") $35
- king (to 108"x108") $48
These prices include the quilting only. Batting is additional unless you provide it. I ask $4 per quilt for thread & needle (I change for every quilt), which is very reasonable. Similarly, the quilt will be returned to you at your shipping cost. I will use the USPS. I will take a personal check, cashier's check or Paypal. Please note that I will charge an additional 3.5% if you choose Paypal to cover their fees.
If you send more than one quilt, I will take 10% off of the lower cost quilt. I'm asking that anybody that reads this kindly post something about it on their blog. Word of mouth is so paramount to getting a business off the ground.
Regarding the backing & batting (if you decide to send it)...They must be 5-6" larger than the top (which also shall be square). In other words, if your top is 60"x60", the backing and batting must be about 66"x66". I will return this excess to you if you want. I often use this for bindings on my quilts.
Have a great week, happy quilting & I hope to hear from some of you soon!
Please feel free to copy the button on my sidebar and add it to your blogs. Please link to this post directly.
Friday, October 23, 2009
A Complete Nitwit & a Pretty Nice Quilt
So, this week has been busy and fun. There has been plenty of learning to longarm quilt going on. I have temporarily mastered that initially difficult cotton thread tension. I feel wiser because of it. It could be a false euphoria that is going to come back and bite me in the arse in a week, but one happy day is good for something. I have quilted a total of 3 quilts since getting my machine up and running 9 days ago, including the quilt my dumb cat has tried to maul. It is a learning experience (I did opt to rip out a border I quilted to try something I thought might look better - a painful 5 hour seam ripping experience). Here's the finished ColorBlock quilt with binding and sunshine for an outside photo shoot. I don't know what I'm going to do when this photo spot is half covered with snow!!?!

Monday, October 19, 2009
A Giveaway Winner!
I realized today it was time to use the old random number generator and select a winner of my drawing from the Online Quilt Festival. If I was just a little more clever, I could show you the results...(oh well!)
And the winner of a quilting of any quilt up to a lap quilt size (approx 60"x60") is...#7 (Shawn). If you happen to see this, please email me at I will also try to contact you. As I said before, I will quilt any top within that size for you, but not until January 1, 2010. So sorry about that, but I have many tops right now in need of doing as well as the need to get onto some Christmas presents!
For those of you that did not win, I will be hosting a quilting extravaganza probably starting next month where I will hold a grand opening of my long arm quilting business. I will be taking quilts of all sizes for quilting at a steal of a deal (for a limitted time only). So, stay tuned for more information! And you can see my quilts as they are being quilted on either my new website or at my etsy shoppe.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
...And the Rainbow Lighted the Sky

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
The first stitches...
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Almost in Business

Friday, October 09, 2009
Blogger's Quilt Festival
First off, thanks for stopping by my humble blog. There are tons of fantastic quilts being showcased on the Blogger's Quilt Festival, hosted so wonderfully by Amy at This is a fun event and I am excited to be a part of it yet again. I have a great post to share with you, and at the end of some fun pictures, there is a giveaway, so don't miss it. So without further adu, let the show begin!
Over the last year or so, I have made a lot of quilts. I have been active in many swaps, both those that make mini quilts and those that make just blocks. I usually make quilts for baby gifts or Christmas presents. Most of the quilts I have made are linked on the sidebar to the right. The quilts, however, that I am most proud of are the ones I am showing you here today.
Over the course of the last 3 years, I have made over 100 lap-sized ~45"x65" quilts to donate to the local chapter of Project Linus. In January of 2007, this started as an effort to trim my scrap stash, which at that time was really not very large. It gave me something to sew without needing to buy fabric too! That quickly became addictive. I told my friends and family what I was doing, and within a few weeks I had a dining room full of more donated scraps! And that is how the cycle began. Last Fall, at a Linus function entitled the Book-Blanket Challenge I showed this quilt (which incidentally was my entry for the Blogger's Festival in April too!). Our local chapter was closing because the rep was stepping down and a replacement had not been found. She had been trying hard to get me to take over the position, but my life was too busy for that then. She had two large boxes of fabric which had to contain 60+ yards of top quality material which she gave me. I told her I would use that to make quilts to give back to Project Linus. And I did.

Thursday, October 08, 2009
Clarity, a day later

And the moment we have all been awaiting (or at least I have been waiting for)...the LA is officially here. I am something excited!! There are a few additional items that my rep may have neglected to order which I must followup on, but the big boxes are here. I've never had a UPS delivery need to come to be via 18-wheeler semi tractor trailor truck!

- Get said machine out of box and installed. Something tells me it will take longer than the 3-4 hours suggested
- Find my 2nd favorite quilt for the Online Bloggers Quilt Festival which starts tomorrow
- Probably go buy some batting. I have ordered 60 yards wholesale 12 days ago, and it has not yet arrived. Must be coming by camel! Looks like I may need some before this weekend is over.
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
Tomorrow is THE Day

Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Another Day, Another Top

Not too bad, eh?!
Have a fun week!
Friday, October 02, 2009
New Block Swap
Current Sewings